Monday July 22nd Delivery


We hope you have plans to escape the heat blast that’s supposed to squash us this weekend. But don’t worry, I’m planning on being downstate Monday with a load of eggs, syrup, and some cool mountain air to distribute! Please let me know if you would like me to stop by.

Eggs are $8.50 delivered and syrup is $16 per bottle.

The broilers are looking swell out on the field and so far we are very happy with this new breed. They are much more active and ready to walk. Every morning we move their protective enclosures to a new patch of grass that the lambs have trimmed for them and they have a blast chasing down the bugs. They have plenty of fresh water and local organic feed to enjoy with their choice of sun or shade to relax in afterwards.

We will be processing the broilers in a couple of weeks so our August delivery will include whole frozen chickens for $6 a pound. Let us know if you would like us to reserve you some!

Blessings and Cool Thoughts,

-The A team