Hens For Sale!

After an 18 month hiatus from posts we want you to know that we haven’t stopped working. The children of course require the majority of our energy but the farm is still moving along and the kids are starting to be more helpful with chores.

We want to thank the Mountain Top school community in Saugerties for their incredible support during the last 2 years where we had our kids and the self serve egg kiosk. The children are now in the Phoenicia school district so if you live near town we can meet you there by appointment.

Our egg kiosk is back at its original location at 432 Watson Hollow Rd. West Shokan, NY and will be available for self serve eggs during daylight hours for $8 per dozen, payable by cash or Venmo to emilsagroforest.

This season has had its challenges so please understand that our stocks are not as plentiful as before. The short sap season this year curtailed our harvest of maple syrup and the increase in costs has forced us to raise prices on our eggs and chickens. Early on the bunnies got into our cabbage patch and ate every one of our seedlings and now the skunks are been eating our broilers. Thankfully the rain came back after that long drought and gave the grass and trees what they needed, but the reservoirs are still very low.

We wanted to announce that we are now selling already-laying hens from our flock of 1 and 2 year olds. These sweet ladies are production brown egg layers from Moyer’s that we got as day old chicks and were raised on grass with organic feed. Their beaks are not trimmed and they have never been medicated. If fed well, they can produce yummy jumbo sized eggs. We’re selling them for $10 each. If you’re interested please send us an email to info@emilsagroforest.com.

As we get ready for the heating season we are busy working on building our own rocket mass heater for our home and look forward to sharing the build process and results with you all. We hope it will not only keep us comfy but cook our food with less wood and better indoor air. Big claims! See walkerstoves.com and permies.com for more info.

Sending love and warmth to all of you,

- The A Team