New Syrup Video

Greetings and good health to all of you!

We understand that most of you are trying to avoid getting or giving the virus so you’re staying home and watching videos online. We’ve decided to provide you with some content! Here is our first of many farmstead videos for you to watch. The score was provided by our dear friends, the Piano Music and Song Trio, so turn it up! More videos to come; please subscribe to our YouTube channel.

We made a decent amount of syrup this year, despite the season being about a month earlier than usual. We will be bottling it in PET plastic bottles for shipping or glass bottles for local delivery. Please send an email to if you are interested. We offer pints for $16 and liters for $32, plus shipping if applicable.

Our frozen chickens are sold out at the moment; we won’t be harvesting any more until August. Since a lot of you have been asking if we had any left, we have decided to reinstate the community supported agriculture (CSA) program we were using in the past. You tell us how many chickens you want us to grow for you this season and give us a 50% deposit. You’ll then pay us the balance when you receive them. This allows us to meet the needs of our community by growing the correct number of chickens and sharing the risks inherent in farming; your deposits help us to buy chicks and feed. Please email us at with your request. The prices will remain the same at $6 per pound for organic fed, pasture raised whole chickens. A key component in home food security is a chest freezer, and we recommend acquiring one if you haven’t already.

Our egg layers are getting old and not laying very much lately. Their replacements will be arriving in late April as day old chicks. When these start laying in the fall, we will be processing the older flock as stew hens. Stew hens make deliciously fortifying chicken stock but need to be simmered for a whole day. We like to put one in a pot on the wood stove before we go to sleep and keep it there until lunch the next day. If you would like to be put on the list for a stew hen please let us know.

We sincerely wish everyone health and serenity in these trying times. We are expanding our operation to serve our community in as many ways as possible this coming season. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and send this to anyone you know who may be interested.

We want to mention that our friends at Seed Song Farm in Kingston are doing a tremendous job serving those in our community who need it the most. They are expanding their camp program to give children a place to go while their parents do the essential jobs our society requires. They are also asking for people to contribute towards their “COVID19: Farm Feed Your Neighbor Fundraiser” to help families in need. Check out their website and subscribe to their email list for updates about how you can help them help others in this time of need.

Thank you all for your support. With love,

The A Team