July 2018

Hello Everyone! 

We hope you are well and enjoying your summer.

Yes, this is a long overdue update so let me try to keep it down to the essentials. 

Yes, we are growing meat birds this year. The first group of chicks are in the brooder and getting fat. Order your share HERE right away. Limited quantities are available and are going fast! They will be harvested beginning late September through November. We accept deposits via Paypal to emilsagroforest@gmail.com or checks mailed to 596 Watson Hollow Rd., West Shokan, NY 12494.

Yes, we have eggs, but at the moment not very many as our original flock has aged past prime. Their replacements are also on the field and will hopefully start to give us more eggs this month. So keep an eye out for the cooler in front of 432 Watson Hollow Rd. in the coming months.

No, we are not growing pork this season. Our wonderful and talented neighbors Aaron and Kyle of Atticus Farm are growing pigs in the woods right next door. Order your pork share HERE and use the coupon code: EMILS for $25 off your order! 

No, we did not make any maple syrup this year. We decided it was more important to build a house for our newest member Anna Magdalena Klohe to learn to crawl in. We do have plans to double our taps for next season, so be on the lookout next spring for more of the sweet stuff.

Yes, we are immensely grateful to all of you who supported us last season and who continue to support us this season. We will continue to do our best to bring you the cleanest, highest quality food to put in your body. 

With love and gratitude always,
Alex and Family.